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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, I just downloaded the 2.0 on drivethrurpg and the cover is blurry compared to the TseTse_aFistfulOfDarkness_Covers_v1 cover.

Thanks for the watchful eye! Yes, that's true. The "old" version was build using LaTex for the text and PS Elements for the covers. My LaTex chops were not good enough to make it one document but with the seperation I was free to compress the covers less than the text. Looking at the downloads I see that not everybody bothered with downloading the covers, which is fine with me.

Now, the new version is one document using Affinity Publisher and which more pages and more art. To keep it at a downloadable size I had to compress more which makes the cover blurry.


congrats on the 2.0 release! quick question: can we get it in 'pages' format? the 'spreads' format is a pain to view on a tablet.

Thanks and also thanks for the question!

I added the single pages PDF to the downloads. Go get it! :)


Big congrats for the standalone release! A Fistful of Darkness is always one of the coolest Blades In The Dark hack!

(blush) Thanks a lot!


(2 edits) (+1)

Howdy, I ordered the hardcover from lulu, how would I go about getting the pdfs

hey! Please contact me per email and I‘ll send you a download code for the pdf. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Oki, I sent it (I think)

key is on the way! :)


hi there

Just wondering if any more community copies will be available?

Kind regards

now! Some are available thanks to purchases. 


thank you


I just got into the Blades in the Dark and love it! I always wanted to play a wild west TTRPG and I think this is awesome to add to system. However I wanted to know if there was a way to get them on the Foundry VTT? I've always used that VTT. Let me know when you can and thank you.

there are character sheets on roll20. I don’t play on foundry and I’m afraid I’m not aware of someone who did content for it. 


All right no worries,thanks!


I've purchased on Lulu.  How can I go about grabbing a PDF? Much thanks. 


Hey! Please contact me at and I'll send you the download link. Thanks!


Excellent. Thank you. Email sent.


You may know, that I tend to start with the cover. So, here is a cover of something I started to work on ...


Will you add anymore community copies?


yes, i will. I add community copies for every sold copy. Have to get back to home to check current sales. Will be soon. 


Hi! So, new community copies are available now. thanks for the reminder and I hope you have fun reading/playing the game!


Thank you very much!


Hi! I followed your first endevours back in 2017 or 2018, and I'm happy how great it looks! (I just wondered if you mind if we go to a printer and have them glue a copy, I sit enough in front of a screen as it is, and I really enjoy to read with all senses, even the tactile one!

(We're actually starting a game later this fall!)

Hey! Thanks for asking and yes, go ahead. Everything for the fun of the game is ok with me.

But... maybe you're not aware that there's a soft cover and hard cover option pod at Depending on your price for printing/glueing this may be even cheaper


I was not aware! Thank you so much for informing me!

The game lacked a few parts when I was going to a western/weird western-themed convention, and I had no time to make a "scenario", but I've wanted to play it a long while now. 


Are there printer-friendly sheets available by chance? The sheets are absolutely gorgeous though!

thanks for the praising   :)

Currently there are no simple sheets. Mmmm. Maybe I could make them though. By when do you need them?


Oh there’s no rush! I printed the bare minimum and we used Roll20 (holy Hellstone these are great too!) to track the posse and whatnot.

glad you like the roll20 sheets!

To be honest, I’m trying to avoid printer friendly character sheets for some time now and you’re the first to ask for them. Sooo, if you found a solution that work for you I will avoid them a bit longer, mainly because I don’t think I can make them interesting (and not boring) enough. I’m aiming for this first time wow effect when new players open the book or the sheets and simple sheets (when I make them) don’t have this effect. 

I really hope, this is ok for you. If not, I will overcome my doubts and lazyness und make them. 


No that’s totally valid! Those sheets are so cool. Definitely a wow factor :D

So, I may be a year too late, but I just added inkfriendly sheets to the package. Maybe still useful for your next game? Thanks for making me do it :)


Like the person below, I also ordered the book from Lulu and would like the PDF linked to my itch account when you get a chance.  I emailed the proof of purchase to in at  Thank you ever-so-much!

Hi and thanks a lot! Please check your mail regarding the download code and I hope you have fun with the game.


Definitely enjoying the book so far, makes me want to learn a whole new system (that I didn't know I'd already owned. How about that?). I do have one thing, though; the use of his/her, he/she etc. everywhere. This was purchased in a fundraiser for trans rights, and I fear this will alienate an audience that is going to find themselves owning this game. It's not, say, a deal-breaker, we're certainly used to seeing this everywhere. But definitely something to think about.


Hi babylon, I glad you like the game and I hope you have fun with it.

Thank you for pointing that out his/her, he/she etc. You are right that trans could use more emphasis in the book. While there is text indicating that any gender is welcome and that this should be clarified in advance at the table, I failed to explicitly point out fluid gender, trans gender etc.
At the time (the game is much older than the Trans Bundle), I did not have this sufficiently on my radar. I promise to do better for my next game.


I ordered the HC from Lulu (which was supposed to be here three days ago LOL) - is there any way to get a PDF of it here so it's linked to my account?

sure! Send a proof of purchase via email (in at and I’ll send you a code for itch. 

Deleted 3 years ago

I never had the occasion to post here on how good is this game. It feels really complete, and it has a good layout and art. Very recommended.


thanks! That means a lot to me :)


Hello, I have just started my first read-through of the rules and I'm loving it so far. Thanks for your hard work on this! 

I was planning to use Roll20 with my group, but it looks like the character sheets are an earlier version. Do you have any plans to update the Roll20 documents to v1.4? 

If you're open to some additional suggestions ... the light blue text in the chat, which shows the results of resistance rolls, is hard too see against the grey background. Would you consider using another color instead of that? (My apologies in advance if that's something that I can change on my own.)

Thanks again!


Hi! Thanks for pointing that out. Sheets are currently at V1.3 of the book (sheets and book has different version numbers because they do not change in sync). Only change in book V1.4 is a renaming of a special abilitiy in the The Law playbook. I will do that asap and let you know.  Same for light blue color: I will change that asap to something with more contrast.

New sheets are live now!


you have roll20 sheets???? sick!


Blood, sweat and tear, friend. Blood, sweat and lots of tears :)


I've been there, lol


Hi, have loved reading through the game. I had a quick question and wasn't sure where else to ask.

"To use the artifact it must first be bound to the PC (his/her soul, maybe?). To bound it, pay the quality level of the artifact in Grit (may be resisted using Guts). Artifacts already owned at the beginning of the game are bounded to the PC for free."

Does this mean permanently losing Grit (resisted) or is there no reason to resist unless the Quality is particularly high?


Here is a good place to ask questions or over at the Blades in the Dark forum. So, thanks for asking and no the paid Grit was not meant to be permanent but a one-off payment. I hope for a good scene when the PCs is bounded the artifact (or the other way around). Maybe the PCs does not choose the moment for the bounding but the artifact does or the former owner dies in combat and you have this one chance to snatch this Hellstone gun before some else does.  If you don't have enough Grit left or you just don't want to accept a Stigmata you may choose to resist. BTW if you resist or not does mean something storywise, right? Open arms acception or another burden, it may establish a starting ground for this PC/artifact relationsship. Everything is a good story or questions to the players or a cool scene.


Admittedly, I only ran this game when is was in an early beta/playtesting format. That said, I ran a year-long Fistful of Darkness game that was easily the best game I've ever GMed. Truly a blast.


great game, definitely worth the price tag if this is your sort of thing


This is a beautiful game.  The "end times" theme flows throughout the game and the playbooks, special abilities, and world building are incredibly evocative of weird wild west.